I am shopped out. But, I had a good shoe shop. Luckily today I started work early which meant I finished early, which meant I could go shopping. YAY! Which is weird. I'm not actually really one for clothes shopping. At least, I didn't think I was. I can't afford to shop anyway, only on a budget.
But today, my eyes were on the prize. Wedges! And what better place to go for shopping, in the middle of the afternoon when you live in Bradford and you have a bus pass... The White Rose Shopping Centre. For a few reasons really:
1. Bethany has never been there before... like ohh...emmm...duuurrr.
2. There are like, LOADS of clothes shops in there
3. It's obviously nicer than Bradford and more compact than Leeds.
One thing Bethany did mention about shopping for shoes was the fact that we could go into ANY shop that sold women's clothes & accessories and look at shoes. Usually we avoid topshop (we're not skinny rakes) and places like River Island etc.. but because we were shopping for shoes it didn't matter what size the clothes were because I was always going to be a size 6 and Bethany is always going to be a size 7/8 (She has weird feet). We started in Debenhams and I think we finished in River Island.
One word of warning for anyone buying shoes from Oasis in The White Rose and you DON'T have or want a store card... run. Run away now. Before you try and get accostered by the oh so lovely sales people in there. I am sure she meant well, like the shoes/wedges I tried on were gorgeous and I was so close to spending way more than I should on them but she kept pushing the stupid store card on me, which I was clearly trying to be nice about and said 'no', 'I'd just lose it' etc, I said all the excuses I could come up with, but she just wouldn't shut up. I mean she said "I'll just put these to one side for you to come back for later" uhm... if I had wanted to save them for later, I'd have asked you? I didn't say that to her though. Like I said, I'm sure she was a nice girl, but she was just being too pushy.
And I hate pushy.
I went for cream today and blue, I loved some blue ones in who knows what shop now, I think it was NewLook, who let me down in the shoe department today; it's not even half the size of the shoe area in Bradford, but I was generally going for cream. I eventually bought some from Garage that looked a lot like the ones I was going to buy from Oasis, only the ones in Garage were about £35 cheaper...
Then we meandered into Primark, accidentally. It's my fault, because I saw some jewellery I really liked and went and bought it and Bethany decided to wander upstairs so I followed. There's a lot of shoes in there. She tried some on, I tried some on. Then I bought... another pair. These ones are lower though, the wedges are quite high (for me), so they can be like my cool down pair for when I'm too tired of wearing the higher ones, they are brown.
When we got home, I tried them on with at least 4/5 outfits in my wardrobe, sad I know, but I just wanted to make sure they were right, and they look pretty nice, so I'm glad of my choices today.
Hope everyone is getting used to being back at work since the long weekend. Let me know what you think of my shoes.
What immensely pretty shoes. Their beauty – for me lies not only in their classic shapes and materials but in the fact that they so seamlessly merge function and elegance together.
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