I was in Newcastle. Or rather in my head, Newscastle. Adam'll probably hate me for saying that but ah well. I had a lovely weekend. I got to Newcastle about 20:00 on Friday and then we went to the cinema to see Bad Teacher. It was funny, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's too provocative and there are SO MANY sexual innuendos it's not even funny, and I kinda draw the line at seeing a massive pair of breasts on the cinema screen, massive because they filled up the screen... there was nothing other them, they were completely nude. They were on the screen for so long it was kinda shifting into the awkward whispering looking away stage. But, apart from that, it was funny. Nothing on my list to see though for now.
Little tip, they're showing all the Harry Potter's in the run up to the new film coming out, at Cineworld and Odeon so you should go down and see them all on the big screen before the mega finale.
Saturday I went to Adam's stake athletics on Saturday and I think his ward came 3rd, which wasn't so bad and Emily's ward came 4th. It was quite funny routing for two different wards but ah well I got the benefits of both worlds. Adam worked hard in all the events he took part in and I scarpered off to help the stake primary with some kid's athletics, old school style. I'm talking obstacle course and bean bag throwing races. It was tonnes of fun though and their primary didn't even know me but didn't care they were still lovely. We topped the day off classic style by watching Cool Runnings.
Today was good. Nothing majorly major happened. We went to church and Adam's ward is lovely. People have seen me there a couple of times now so they're not so shy to come up to me anymore. Weird thing is, they sing quieter than my ward and my ward is like half, maybe even quarter of the size, they're really nice though.
This evening a reversing car nearly tried to run me over, stupid man. I think Emily was trying to do some hero thing and push me out of the way, but all was well. Another car beeped his horn and realise we were there. Moral of that story is:
1. You can't stop a reversing car by banging on the back of it with your hand (which consquently hurts your wrist)
2. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check your blind spots before you move off ANYWHERE when driving. Stupid drivers.
Have a good week everyone. I hate it when weekends go this quickly!
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