I woke up early to the sign of sunshine through my window. Dad and Gayle said it'd be great to go to Bath and who was I to moan? Gayle has never been to Bath before so it was great to show her around. It was nice to back there again only just a little odd because minor things had changed but it still feels like home. It's so beautiful there. We went to Wetherspoon's where I used to work for lunch and then journeyed up to the Royal Crescent and the Circus which Gayle found really beautiful. We were going to go into the Roman Baths but it was like £12.00!!! The last time I went there it was £8.00 and before that, I was a resident, it was free.
Then to top off the day we went to go see my lovely friende Cecily and her beautiful little boy Hunter. I have no idea why but at first I was so scared of dropping him and getting my arm under his head, I totally believe it's because I had him leaning on the wrong arm. He is gorgeous with his cute little face and tiny hands and feet. I gave him back to mummy then I had another go, that time though, he was full and a little sleepy. So he went to sleep on me, which was really really cute. He kept yawning too. He's definitely got the major CUTE-FACTOR! 1,000,000 points to Cecily and Andy for creating a cutey!
But just to top off an awesome day I seem to be getting a bad throat. Hopefully it's just because of the warm husky weather! I shall post fashionista things tomorrow.
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