
Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Polyvore: Red is Reality

Well, I've mentioned Polyvore before and I was looking through my spring colours collection and found I was missing the colour Red, or rather I was missing every other colour besides varations on green and brown. So I decided through Polyvore to see what colours in my spring palette would go with red, it's not letter box red though, I've found it's more burgandy or amber red. It looks perfect with cream and brown. I am loving it loads. And I finally found a website (meaning polyvore) where I can collect all the colours in my spring palette in one place! (Sorry for the big gaps, just the picture I'm afraid).

Someone once told me it is all about the accessories, the earrings, necklaces, scarves... etc, and now I kind of believe them since one scarf can bring a whole outfit together. I just wish I had the money spare to just go out and buy a nice cream jacket. Then it's all about body shape. I'd say I'm just a nice big round but actually I'm pear-shaped and you have to wear specific fittings of clothing for your shape. It all gets confusing you know. I can't believe some people just have this stuff automatically generated into their brains whereas for me, I have to learn this stuff.
I have a confession to make, I used to HATE gold. Despise it. I didn't like the look of it at all and I'd much rather have a white gold wedding ring BUT this deep ashburn red that I really starting to love goes brilliantly with gold, cream and brown. It just looks gorgeous don't you think? Well, maybe eventually I'll have some money to get some really good items of clothing together. Now I've got my colours sorted and what should wear its about time to start minimising my wardrobe. Yes, I mean it. I've been at my dad's this week picking up the rest of my clothes and let me just tell you, I love skirts, but I really don't need anymore, not at least until I either have the money to buy some OR I get rid of an old, or both really. So, what I'm going to do is take picture of ALL my clothes put them online and see what goes with what... like a collage. I think it's going to be fun.

On another plus side, I have ALL my art things back too YAY! So more art work to be up when I get chance and space to do any.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Today I Went to Bubble Bath!

I had an abfab day (absolutely fabulous) for those of you who don't know what that means.

I woke up early to the sign of sunshine through my window. Dad and Gayle said it'd be great to go to Bath and who was I to moan? Gayle has never been to Bath before so it was great to show her around. It was nice to back there again only just a little odd because minor things had changed but it still feels like home. It's so beautiful there. We went to Wetherspoon's where I used to work for lunch and then journeyed up to the Royal Crescent and the Circus which Gayle found really beautiful. We were going to go into the Roman Baths but it was like £12.00!!! The last time I went there it was £8.00 and before that, I was a resident, it was free.

Then to top off the day we went to go see my lovely friende Cecily and her beautiful little boy Hunter. I have no idea why but at first I was so scared of dropping him and getting my arm under his head, I totally believe it's because I had him leaning on the wrong arm. He is gorgeous with his cute little face and tiny hands and feet. I gave him back to mummy then I had another go, that time though, he was full and a little sleepy. So he went to sleep on me, which was really really cute. He kept yawning too. He's definitely got the major CUTE-FACTOR! 1,000,000 points to Cecily and Andy for creating a cutey!

But just to top off an awesome day I seem to be getting a bad throat. Hopefully it's just because of the warm husky weather! I shall post fashionista things tomorrow.

Monday, 27 June 2011

To the End of the Earth and Back Again

I travelled today, from Bradford to Aberdare. I took two buses, 2 trains and 1 car ride. It was very warm and very sticky. Urgh, my two favourite combinations of weather. I've come down to Wales for the week for my week off. I leave Bradford at 28degrees and end up in Aberdare at 16 degrees. Not cold, but not Bradford haha.

I finished reading The Picture of Dorian Gray. It certainly doesn't end like the modern film Dorian Gray, but it does end with a certain tragic sadness too it. I didn't realise what happened in the end especially when he doesn't realise it is going to happen. I guess that is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil.

Short post tonight because I can't think of anything eventful from my day and because I am tired. My dad and Gayle, his girlfriend, have been telling me the do's and don't's of driving, and now we're watching Traffic Cops.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

It's all so Lovely

According to a little girl in my class today, who shone brighter than a little star.

I was sat in Sacrament meeting and realised I was the only Primary Teacher so after the meeting I rushed up to Elizabeth and told her I'd take the younger ones in Primary, 3-6yr olds, and what an amazing time we had.

We had sharing time as usual and Gill came in and helped Elizabeth and I out and then it was time for the lesson. I'd kept it very basic because I usually have to spend half the lesson telling them to climb down off the chairs or asking them to stop running around, not forgetting that they always seem to want to strip off their shoes followed by their socks and today wasn't going to be an exception; at least I didn't think so.

My lesson was 'I Can Do Many Things'. We were talking about what types of things we can do as a baby and what types of things the children can do now and what things they can do when they are eventually my age. I asked who wanted to say the opening prayer and Eloise offered with no help, "Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for this lovely day and we thank you for our lovely primary teacher, Grace who is lovely, we ask that everyone will be good today, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen". I was like awwwww. She is a little gem.

We talked about having two fathers and I asked Eloise who her father was and she said "JONATHON!" or rather shouted it, then I asked who the father of our spirits was and she said "Heavenly Father". Then one of the other children said their daddy was in New Zealand, which is true, but I said they'd be so happy when they got to see him again. Then I passed around little pieces of paper asking all the children to do something, which got them hopping, spinning, doing cartwheels and jumping around the room. Then Ethan picked up a piece of paper that said "Hug Someone" and everyone came to hug me which was cute. Then when we were spinning around in a circle my skirt was puffing outwards and Eloise said "Grace you have a lovely skirt you look really lovely", then Hannah said "I like your skirt it looks really pretty you look really pretty today".

I clearly needed the compliments or something.

They were all little gems today, I didn't have to tell anyone off and my lesson was finished after about 20 minutes and because it was such good weather outside I got permission to take them onto the grass, but try looking after 6 crazy children, it's a bit hectic so Elizabeth had the amazing idea of going on a bear hunt around the edge of the car park, we didn't catch a bear though. It was amazing. Eloise's parents were outside as well and Eloise went running to her mum and said "Mummy, Grace said because we had been good and because she'd run out of lesson we could come outside" which was true. Bless her little golden heart.

We said the prayer outside and the children went back to their parents. As Eloise was leaving she said "Thank you Grace, you are a really lovely teacher and you look really lovely thank you". She then came to tell my mum afterwards too.

What beautiful children the world is blessed with. Yet, what a wicked world we live in.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Life's Little Surprises

I used to think I didn't like surprises because I really nosey and want to know everything but to be honest, if I didn't know it was happening then I couldn't badger someone into telling me everything so I totally think surprises should be kept a total secret. In fact, don't even tell me "I've got a surprise for you" because chances are I'll either guess myself to death until I figure it out or I'll get it out of you eventually.

Surprises, don't you just love them?
This evening Bethany and I went to ASDA to pick something up and decided that the weather is so gorgeous that we'd go through Bowling Park (usually off limits in the evening due to it being 'slightly' dangerous), and when we entered we heard music coming from the bottom fields. Me being me, I ran down the hill and stopped at the field where there was a fair! I love fairs! I couldn't go to this one though because I don't have any money but I do know there is another one in Lister Park from 2nd-10th July so I'll have money then. And I love fairs.

Then as we wandered back through the park and found the usual park apparatus, swing, slide, monkey bars (that both Bethany and I are too big for) we came across an awesome rope swing and a little trampoline that holds both mine and Bethany's weight! So we were jumping around and making videos of the rope swing. It's honestly really good exercise, we're thinking of going back tomorrow. I love little surprises and the weather is great too; always something to smile about.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

My Loves - Polyvore

I'm actually in love with this website (Sorry Adam) because it is just A-MAZE-ING. It makes me look like a slight sign of fashion sense. It is a brilliant website. I think it works by bringing all the clothes from all of the shops online (or at least a lot of the shops online) and categorizes them. Then you mix and match until you find your perfect mix. Only problem with having a fashion sense matching the one on the website, I need to have a money tree that matches it! But seriously, I have an outfit that is very similar to this one, just without the green top or the gorgeous bangles.

Scroll to the bottom for more information on where to find polyvore collages.

My Loves

My Loves by Gbbayb featuring a silk skirt

Lilly Pulitzer beach top
$78 -

TopShop green tank
$12 -

Jonathan Saunders silk skirt
$753 -

Lanvin ballet shoes
$347 -

Givenchy logo tote bag
€1.249 -

Gold jewelry
$188 -

ASOS flower jewelry
£16 -

Wet Seal woven belt
$4.99 -

Go check it out. It's

You can either sign up and create your own 'fashion collages' or you can just browse the ones other people have already put up.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The Money Tree

Oh how I bet we all wish we had one. I've got a full time wage this month and everything gets paid I still don't seem to have any money left... how does that work?

Well, the extra wage is being spent 'wisely' on hiring a van to get all my things from Cardiff to Bradford, more driving lessons and obviously giving a little extra to my mum and to my savings account and before you know it, you don't have any money left.

I tried to budget last month but note to every single woman who wants to go on a shopping spree when you get paid, don't. In fact wait until just before you get paid at the end of the month as a kind of luxury thing. Then you know what you need to buy. I've been thinking to myself this past month 'Oooh I'll buy this when I paid' and 'I'll buy that' but in the end it just goes back on things that need to paid that are more important.

Mainly, tithing, mum, dad, savings, phone, bus pass, driving lessons and finally I am going to get my phone screen fixed if I have any spare money at the end of the month. I've been saying I'll get it fixed for the last couple of months... or so.

I was going to buy materials for my skirt which my mum looked at and said would be possible to make so that sounds like it could be good fun. I might make a day trip out of it and go to Leeds Market where mum said the material would be cheapest. The only thing that worries her about the gypsy skirt is the ruffles where tier joins tier but we'll work it out. I'll show you my w.i.p :) Have a nice night lovely peoples.

(P.S. Please follow my blog or like my Facebook page)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

A Pleasant Peasant Skirt

I've been trying to find a pattern everywhere for a really good long gypsy skirt. I've also tried to convice my mum into helping me with the sewing machine so I can make the skirt myself. I can use a sewing machine easily, but it'll be my first time making a skirt in a long while and plus... it's a lot of work and why not.

Mum said I didn't need any more gypsy skirts but to be honest in the Summer heat, you can never have too many and the benefits of making one yourself is that you can choose the colours and the length. I find that most the skirts I buy these days are too short, or even worse too long! Plus if I make a skirt with all my colours in it then I can't possibly moan about not having anything to wear it with. I think it'll be a July project though because of lack of funds, even after I've budgeted!

I have three long gypsy skirts, one is white with blue patterns (mostly flowers), one is like an auburn/maroon/chocolatey colour is all I can describe it as with patterned ruffles at each tier then I have a green one that goes from a turquoise green at the bottom to a mint green at the top. But I haven't seen those skirts in ages and who knows whether they'll even fit my big bum anymore! That's also the plus side of making your own... they fit you exactly. No worrying about the size or anything like that.

The amount of material I'll need for each layer won't cost me that much either! I might challenge myself to buy materials for the skirt that cost less than an actual skirt but we'll see. I really hope so. I love gypsy skirts and the way they flow and you can still wear them in winter!

This could go horribly wrong but wish me luck! Who know's I might start making them for other people if mine turns out 'okay'.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Half- Way Book Reviews

I say half way because I haven't finished reading them yet. I have two books that I am reading at the moment. One is The Picture of Dorian Gray which I've mentioned before and the other is my bathroom book. Which I'm sure you'll all agree is a definite must have. Of course my book isn't called The Bathroom Book, I'd be a little bit worried of the contents if it was. My bathroom book is called The Piano Teacher.

The Picture of Dorian Gray

It's going well. I must admit even in the book it doesn't really give a detailed explantion of how Dorian's picture has now become his soul besides an off the cut remark right after he saw the painting, but I am going to hold full judgement until I've read the whole book, but it does kind of explain why the film Dorian Gray gives a very vague answer to the question of how his soul came to be in the painting, well in the words of Oscar Wilde, it just did.

The characters are still as enchanting although further into the book you don't see Lord Harry giving Dorian some of his great wisdom and even Basil, the painter, takes to the sidelines. But, I suppose if the book had been about them then it wouldn't be called The Picture of Dorian Gray. Overall, so far the book is still fantastic. I do keep forgetting to read it on the bus to work but they aren't very long bus journeys and you need a good chapter's worth of time to really get stuck into it; maybe even two chapters worth.

The Piano Teacher

At the moment I'm a third of the way through the book and I'm slightly struggling as to see why it's called The Piano Teacher. I'm not a professional critic or anything but usually the title on the front kind of gives you an insight into the contents in the middle. I can't even remember the piano teacher's name she hasn't been mentioned in it that much! This book is set in WWII, as all the best books are, in Hong Kong. At the moment it's flitting between two time periods 1941 and 1952, the main character in both of these periods is Will Truesdale. The 1941 tale is from Will Truesdale's point of view and the 1952 period is from the piano teachers point of view but has Will in it.

The whole context and plot of the book actually reminds me of The Painted Veil; a film with Naomi Watts and Edward Norton in it. The time periods all fit too. And, the piano teachers husband in the book is involved with the government helping to sanitise the water systems in Hong Kong because of cholera; and the woman's husband in the film is actually a biological doctor of infectious diseases and works with the government to improve the water systems in the small towns and villages to stop the spreading of cholera.

Interesting, I'd say. I can never read one book at once, that'd be terribly boring.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

One of my favourite sayings right now. Sorry about not posting. I was away from my laptop for the weekend but I've decided that I really should take this brick everywhere with me. Either that or just get a smaller one specifically for ceremonious blogging.

I was in Newcastle. Or rather in my head, Newscastle. Adam'll probably hate me for saying that but ah well. I had a lovely weekend. I got to Newcastle about 20:00 on Friday and then we went to the cinema to see Bad Teacher. It was funny, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's too provocative and there are SO MANY sexual innuendos it's not even funny, and I kinda draw the line at seeing a massive pair of breasts on the cinema screen, massive because they filled up the screen... there was nothing other them, they were completely nude. They were on the screen for so long it was kinda shifting into the awkward whispering looking away stage. But, apart from that, it was funny. Nothing on my list to see though for now.

Little tip, they're showing all the Harry Potter's in the run up to the new film coming out, at Cineworld and Odeon so you should go down and see them all on the big screen before the mega finale.

Saturday I went to Adam's stake athletics on Saturday and I think his ward came 3rd, which wasn't so bad and Emily's ward came 4th. It was quite funny routing for two different wards but ah well I got the benefits of both worlds. Adam worked hard in all the events he took part in and I scarpered off to help the stake primary with some kid's athletics, old school style. I'm talking obstacle course and bean bag throwing races. It was tonnes of fun though and their primary didn't even know me but didn't care they were still lovely. We topped the day off classic style by watching Cool Runnings.

Today was good. Nothing majorly major happened. We went to church and Adam's ward is lovely. People have seen me there a couple of times now so they're not so shy to come up to me anymore. Weird thing is, they sing quieter than my ward and my ward is like half, maybe even quarter of the size, they're really nice though.

This evening a reversing car nearly tried to run me over, stupid man. I think Emily was trying to do some hero thing and push me out of the way, but all was well. Another car beeped his horn and realise we were there. Moral of that story is:

1. You can't stop a reversing car by banging on the back of it with your hand (which consquently hurts your wrist)
2. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check your blind spots before you move off ANYWHERE when driving. Stupid drivers.

Have a good week everyone. I hate it when weekends go this quickly!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Are You Pinterested?

I didn't actually know about this site, at all! Until a fashion blogger I know from church called Chloe had it on the side of her blog along with other links such as, twitter, facebook, etc, so I figured it must be something interesting and so I clicked on it. And what came up was nothing short of like 'SUPER' cool! It's basically a picture blog, which at first seems little like Twitter where you post and someone can repost what you've said or reply etc, but with this you can re-PIN a picture someone has posted and like/comment it and they do say a picture says a thousand words.

It's like an online pinboard for the whole world which is so cool. I mean I've seen pictures on there that I haven't seen anywhere else. I'm not sure how many personal pin-boards you can have but I have 5/6, some of them don't have anything in them yet because I only got my account yesterday but believe me they'll be full in no time!

If you want a pinterest account I think you need to go on the waiting list but I do have a few special invites for anyone that might think they're interested. I just love the way that it doesn't organise all the photos into specific size so they look like an artistic collage of fun.

Personally, I'd say, Pinterest is quite small at the moment, I'm not sure of how many people are on there but I pinned some things up last night and they're still top of the list today so nobody has pinned in the last 24 hours. I just think it's really inventive and you can get some really amazing decorating and interior design ideas from it.

Another good point about Pinterest is that you have this little button that you drag into your toolbar and anytime you see a website with a picture on it that you really like and want to save and have around for time to come you click the 'Pin It' button and it automatically recognises any picture files on that webpage and asks you which ones you'd like to pin. The only down side to this little beauty is if you find more than one thing you'd like to Pin you have to keep pressing the 'Pin It' button instead of being able to select more than one picture. But I guess this is because you might want to put each picture in a different category but that's easily rectified.

Take a look people, because the great news about Pinterest is that even if you're not a registered member you can still go enjoy their diamonds found in the rough and use them for your own!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Green is the new Green

I love green!

I've always loved green, emerald green usually because it's just so GREEEEN!
So today I've been looking around for green everything. Dresses/Accessories/SHOES!/T's. There is a website I used to go on that'd give you a collage of your favourite items in the colours that you preferred and would tell you what items of clothing were in fashion at the time and what other colours would go with the ones you'd picked...

It was actually really useful but I've totally lost it. Nevermind. It's supposed to be coming up to Summer time and today we had a peek of what is hopefully to come but I read in the paper that showers from some ocean somewhere were on their way but this is Britain and I'm sorry peeps but right now I'd welcome a bit of rain! There I said it, so I take full responsibility if it actually does rain (in the next day or so).

What I also love about the colour emerald green or just green in general is that you can wear really plain/simple clothes like cream T with a bright green neckace and green bag and it looks really good. Of course, it might not look good on everyone because not everyone can look good in vibrant green. I know for a fact I look weird in UV green but my sister Emily looks amazing in it. I'm sure I heard somewhere that you should wear tops/accessories/make-up that compliment your eye colour which means for me... green, and brown, and yellow, and who knows what ever other colours my eyes decide to go in the day. I did have a photo somewhere that had me with vibrant green eye shadow on (sadly all my best make-up is still at my dads house, which will be rectified soon), so I'll try and find it and put it up.

On my green travels on google :) I came across this living room and it is just so GORGEOUS! I love it, I want to take it home and put it in my living room. The arm chairs are a bit bright but for reason it just all looks right and I love the large sun thingy in the background. The colours are gorgeous, now to transfer those colours from fabric on a sofa to fabric in a dress and t-shirt, oh and also to have the funds to buy what I would like to as well.

I am thinking of embarking on a little journey of buying a skirt pattern in town and buying some material and making my own skirt :D So watch this space. What better way to get a skirt that you like that to make it yourself?

Monday, 13 June 2011


Does anyone remember the TV series called 'Brum'? I can't even remember the plot or storyline or anything like that all I can remember is the little car called Brum haha. They don't make children's programmes like they used to!

I only mention brum because I've been trying to find a car of my own, I mean I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I am really starting to see good progress in my driving I just need to get on with my theory test :S I know most of it is common sense but still, my memory is useless.

Anyway, going back to looking for a car. I've decided that I most definitely know NOTHING about cars. I look at all the numbers and letters and bhp and kw and who knows what else and think. O_o whut? I need a serious car buyer who can haggle a good price for me because I am useless, and I want a small car but not too small, guaranteed to be taxi for a while. I preferably need a cheap-ish car to run too.

So, any ideas? Because I am totally stuck.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

I am Thankful I can Smell and Taste

Sunbeam Primary Lesson 20.

I was introduced at lesson 3, so I've taught them 18 lessons! How crazy is that? And yes I am counting right I did the Easter lesson from the end. But I suppose minus last weeks lesson because I wasn't there I've taught them 17.

Anyway, one most definite thing to remember when preparing this lesson is, take the foods with you that you want to try out on them, instead of leaving them at home on the sofa. I'd based most of my lesson around the items I was going to take in for them to eat... Ooops.

I got into church and had a mental check of all my little lovelies... I always seem to be missing two, which left me with the three little girls, who spur each other on all the time and if one does then the others have to do. But, Hope made me smile when she got into the chapel looked at me smiled loads and waved; I didn't know until later that for the past three weeks on Sunday's she's been asking her mum if she is going to see me that day, it's nice to feel loved.

I was going to ask them to taste lemon juice, sugar and salt... but I left everything at home like the daft head that I am so I was stuck with liquorice and creamy biscuits, and let's just say, I've finally found something that Hope doesn't like to eat and I'm talking big deal here people because this is coming from the child who eats crayons.

I'd also forgotten my perfume which didn't help because then they had nothing to smell so I had the lovely idea of getting them to go outside so they could smell the flowers, but it started raining so I panicked and got them to pick a flower from the bushes (I'm not proud of it), I couldn't have 3 year olds with no coats on running around the chapel in the rain.

I've invented story-time too, its a corner of the classroom where we all sit on the floor and I put the picture(s) up from the story that I have to tell them, it breaks the lesson down a bit and they see story time as a luxury so they usually behave. We were talking about the story of 'Gathering Manna' which apparently looks like rice but tastes like honey and Hannah said it sounded like her name so she started saying 'Hannah Manna' which was quite cute, and we all like honey.

All in all they were really good today, played up a little in sharing time but I think they calmed down for the lesson.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

I first came across this artist when I was studying GCSE Art. We had to research an artist and do some work in their style; I liked him so much I did my final piece in the same style.

I think what I liked so much about Mackintosh's work is the fact that it is so versatile. I've seen it on a lot of things, ranging from large large artwork pieces to furniture to small jewellery. In fact, I only realised once I'd started studying him that we had a small door window at the back of the house in the same style.

Maybe a lot of people have his work copied around their houses and don't even realise it!

He looks a lot like Charlie Chaplin, maybe it was just the moustaches of the era. Anyway here is some of his millions of pieces of work and I'll just give you a quick blurb from Wiki, because we can all go look on Wiki at who he is but why need to if I can give you some info here.

He was a Scottish artist and designer, which is why he is more famously known for his artwork based around furniture and was one of the main exponent's of the Art Noveau era, which is an era I really love. His work is most famously based around the rose and other well known flowers.