For those of you who have just randomly clicked on my blog by accident, carry on reading it'll get better I promise. For those of you who have been tuned in since the beginning I'm sorry for the lapse but I'll try and keep posting.
Through out the life line of my blog I've kinda flitted between quite a few random things and this has lasted for a while, and I suppose if something isn't broken then why fix it but sometimes I just have days where I'm staring at my screen and my decided post topic of the day is just not coming. My mind flicks back and forth over this and that so bear with my whilst I get my feet again.
Monday's I tend to post about artsy fartsy things if I can.
Tuesday's my mind wanders over to fashion, or rather to my lack of it. Fashion is a really weird thing, I mean unless your brain is wired that way (which mine isnt) it has to be a constant on your mind until obviously your brain short fuses then refuses the right way.
Wednesday I usually mumble on about my bathroom book (which is still at my mums house).
Thursday the brain tosses around the stuff going on in the news or in some daily affairs, and I'm not talking E-list celebrities that are on the cover of Heat magazine (no offence to anyone who reads those magazines, and I'm sure with half a chance my brain would get sucked into them) I just don't read them.
Friday is random ramble, because let's face it we all need one of those days.
Saturday is about where I wanna go and what I wanna do and try and go new places.
Sunday is my day to post about spiritual things, not always necessarily about the gospel but spiritual things that keep us relaxed and calm.
Obviously none of this is set in stone but there you go. I am seriously thinking of buying a netbook so I can take it on journeys with me and it's lighter than my DELL. But there are a million things on the list first.
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