Anyway, 'The Piano Teacher'. It was good. Uhm, the ending was a bit odd. I still think the book should have been called something else because it was centered around this 'Will Truesdale' character and not the actual piano teacher but I guess not all lead characters are the most important. I don't usually read books based in Asia, no idea why. I mean it could be because some of the names are really hard to pronounce and when that happens you just lose the flow of the book and you can't immerse yourself properly. I guess thats why some romcom novels are really good because you can just sit back and immerse yourself.
I would recommend 'The Piano Teacher' to other people just to see what their views on it are. It's not a very long book I just only read it at short intervals and the ending is quite sad. I think somewhere in one of the blurb bits it says the book is a modern day version of 'The Atonement' (the film with James McAvoy and Kiera Knightley) and I can kind of see why that might be. There are a few similarities in there. It's not a bad book I just think I have mixed feelings on it.
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